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Storm Windows or Replacement Windows, What is Right for your Project?

It’s a question most homeowners face at some point. Window replacement is an expensive proposition, particularly if you have a home with many windows.  Is it necessary?  Is it a wise investment?  Will it impact the value of my home?  Will it impact my energy bills and the comfort within my home.  These are all very important questions.

Given the expense, disruption and impact to the home’s value, the decision to purchase an install replacement windows is not taken lightly by most consumers. There are a number of factors that should be considered when deciding if you want to go to the time and expense of replacing your windows. A U.S. Building materials company recently conducted consumer reseach to identify the factors that contribute to a homeowners decison to replace windows.

Five reasons were identified that would be key considerations for a consumer evaluating the need for replacement windows:

  1. The existing windows are in poor condition and beyond repair (e.g., rotted, rusted, etc.).
  2. The existing windows do not operate as intended (sashes do not stay in place or do not open and close as intended).
  3. Whether or not the owner wants to change the home’s appearance.
  4. The owner wants to enhance the comfort level (warmer in winter, cooler in summer, eliminate drafts).
  5. The owner wants to save money by lowering annual heating and cooling costs.

Replacement Window Considerations

If the existing windows are in poor condition and beyond repair, it may be time to replace. If you want to change your home’s appearance, selection of new windows might be the right path for you.

Too often however, howeowner’s don’t want to change the appearance of their home. Particularly in homes with beautifully crafted wood windows that may be architecturally consistent with the design of the home. Your friendly window salesman is ready to sell you a shiny new vinyl replacement window, equipped with advanced technology that will, in fact, impact comfort and your home’s energy performance, but what if you don’t want a shiny plastic window on your home? What if you don’t want to spend a small fortune on replacing all of your windows, or you own a historic home in which replacement windows are usually not a good option.

When to Buy Low-E Storm Windows

Today’s consumers have choices that can provide all of the technical benefits of a new window… but allow the homeowners to keep their existing windows. This is why in the majority of cases Storm Windows are a better option. Not only are they less expensive than replacement windows, they allow you to maintain your homes original appearance, they are easier to install, and they will improve the comfort of the space while saving money on your energy bills. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has done extensive work evaluating the benefits of such products which have been brought to the market by QUANTA Technologies and other companies like us. Our products offer demonstrated solutions that work in conjunction with a building’s existing windows, and typically can be installed for a fraction of the cost of even the least expensive window replacement options.

QUANTAPANEL EnergyStar architectural low-e storm windows save energy and improve comfort.

Department of Energy (DOE)

According to U.S. DOE data, nearly 75% of the U.S. housing stock has single or double pane windows which are not as energy efficient as today’s EnergyStar windows that are sold for either new construction or window replacement. Interestingly, many consumers don’t find the vinyl replacement window options as appealing for their homes.

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